At this time, tours and applications continue to be accepted for the 2024-2025 school year. If you are interested in applying for the 2024-2025 school year, we encourage you to tour and apply.
Schedule a Parent Tour
The best way to learn about Gateway is to schedule an individual parent tour. This is the first step in the admissions process. Parent tours are scheduled by our Executive Assistant, Michelle Henderson and conducted by our Director of Admissions, Bonnie Jones.
Please contact us at 713-659-7900 to schedule your tour. After your tour is scheduled, the Director of Admissions will provide a guided tour, as well as meet with you to gain a better understanding of your student’s needs and interests.
Submit Application & Fees
Following the tour, if you feel that Gateway is the right fit for your family, you are encouraged to submit an application through our online portal. You will also be requested to upload specific documents during the application process, including teacher recommendation forms and a recent comprehensive evaluation (within three years), including the following test data:
WISC-V- Weschler Intelligence Scale For Children- 5th edition
CELF- Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals
An Academic Evaluation
An Attention/Behavioral Evaluation
Once your application is complete, the Admissions team will review your application in preparation for your child’s Shadow Day.
Shadow Days
During the Shadow Day, your child will be paired with a current student and attend two full days of instruction on campus. Shadow Days give us the opportunity to observe your child in both academic and social settings. This allows our team to have a good idea of the cohort of students that would best fit your child’s learning and development.
Enrollment Offer
If we determine that an existing opening would be a good match for your child's needs, an enrollment offer will be made. If, however, it is determined that our existing openings are not appropriate to meet your child's needs, a phone call with the Director of Admissions will be scheduled to provide you and your family with other options in the community.
Most enrollment offers are made by early April for the following school year. However, applications are accepted all year for those needing immediate placement.